
DSC_0049 webSpring has sprung, it’s fun to see the valley starting to green up. I should have had my aperture cranked way down here, so everything in the shot would have been in focus. Oh well, nice mountain view and I do love the split of the green and blue colors. I will probably go try this one again.

Road to Nowhere


I painted this scene back in college, with an eye superimposed over it crying (which may have been my eye). I know, corny, right? Every photographer in town has taken shots of these mountains, it’s impossible not to. They’re called the Organs, and they do look like an organ. I always imagine spleens.

Daily Photo: Where the River Went

Daily Photo: Where the River Went

I had to stick my camera through some chain-link to get this unobstructed view- this was after a long day of shooting most of the day and my battery was dying, but couldn’t pass up this tower in the afternoon light. The guy that painted this mural has painted all of the Las Cruces city water tanks.

Can We Come In?

DSC_0018logoThey are not allowed in the bedroom, but they like to peek around the corner. And before you tell me I’m cruel, they’re not exactly abused. They sleep in the house all day and get two walks a day.

Our house is dim, and we have old light fixtures that barely give off enough light to see. I had to crank up the ISO for this, and it got a little too grainy. It’s still cute, though.

Window to a Dirty Truth

DSC_0002logoOr roof. It’s the skylight in our house. It took me quite a few shots to get this right, I wanted a balance of total black in the shadows and enough clarity to see the texture of the wall. I got one flooded out shot that looks like the tunnel you are supposed to see when you die…I like this one, though, it’s got a depressing air about it, like being trapped in a mineshaft.